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EMAC 2020 Annual Conference

Using the theory of planned behaviour to determine the intention to participate to deposit system for multiple use containers in France and Quebec: integration of nostalgia and environmental concern

Published: May 27, 2020


Roxane Favier, Université Savoie Mont Blanc; Lucie Loustaunau, Toulouse 1 Capitole University / TSM Research


deposit system; theory of planned behaviour; nostalgia


This research studies young people's intention toward the deposit system currently being discussed in the context of French circular economy law. More specifically, this study focuses on the deposit system for multiple use bottles made of glass. Based on the theory of planned behaviour, this research proposes an extension of the original model to include an emotional dimension (nostalgia), moral dimension (moral norms) and environmental dimension. Data were collected from 144 individuals in France and Quebec, where the deposit system for multiple use bottles made of glass became marginal and declining. The results reveal that moral and subjective norms and perceived behavioural control influence the individuals' intentions to use the deposit system. The results show that there is no effect of nostalgia and that environmental concern has both a direct and indirect effect on intention. These implications could suggest managerial recommendations for economic and political actors.